Thread: Gangsta Gansta
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Default 03-15-2003, 08:47 AM

Actually RAP wasn't so bad. The guys who would stand on the street corner and rap about life in New York to make a few bucks, they had soul. Unfortuantly "da Gangsta's" have butchered it down to bitches and home dawgs.

And that comment about people being racist if you don't like Gangsta rap or whatever is a crock of shit.

Thirdy, I noticed that most Rap albums start off by them syaing how "ghetto" they are and how poor they are and how slummy it is where they live. Then by the second album many of the songs are about how rich and UBER they are?

I just noticed this from a few. I am not very educated in the rap deapartment and don't listen to it.
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