Thread: Hypocritical?
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Default 03-16-2003, 10:34 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro
once again, you are blowing shit way out of proportion.

You want to see lots of people die? Then so be it. Overconfidence is a killer.
How am I blowing shit way out of proportion ?? I am being realistic which many of you are failing to be. You can sit their in Canada, with Iraqi operatives acting freely against the United States and your gutless Government doing nothing about it and call us out because our Countries are doing something about a threat, but dont tell me that what I am saying is out of proportion because it is not. Do you have any evidence to suggest that what I am saying is out of proportion ?? If not, STFU and let me have my opinon, like you can have yours. Capiche ??

And if you would like to see lots of people die, lets all do nothing about Saddam and let him build his weapons over the next few years. Doing nothing about this situation is also, as you say, a killer. I'm not over confident, I'm just simply being, once again, realistic.
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