Thread: Hypocritical?
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Default 03-17-2003, 02:30 AM

Originally Posted by BallisticWookie
So, you're right, we're wrong ? Is that how it is ? I'm dense because I hold a different opinion to you ? I'll say it bluntly, I think you're an arrogant prick. "*chuckle*"

Keep one thing in mind, you're opinion is yours, and you're entitled to that, but don't you fucking call me or others dense just because our view differs from yours. Got that ? If you cant deal with that, then there is something very wrong with you.
If I keep telling you 2+2 is 4, and prove it... and still, you disagree or don't
want to accept it, what am I to do ? Enough is enough. Go ahead, bomb Iraq
and do whatever it is you think will appease you once and for all.

[quote:1a5bd]No, this doesnt mean I'll pass you up as a Mod, but I do have other people in mind who will get the job long before you. [/quote:1a5bd]

LOL. You're passing up your best prospect for another Joe ? So be it. I won't
ask again...
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