03-17-2003, 03:08 AM
Frankly guys, I'm scared shitless of the prospect of war, not only for all the men and women over there doing as their told, but especially for my cousins. I dont want them dead, God knows I dont want them dead, but none, NONE of you have been over there, one of my cousins who is now back there, operated in the Gulf for over 6 months just recently, does he think military action is the right thing ? You're damn right he does. He told me very little about whats going on there, but everything he knew, he got from his friend in the Intel, they know stuff, you will never hear on the news, he didnt go into details, but Saddam has to go, and now is the right time.
The majority of Iraqi civilians who fleed Iraq here in Australia WANT this war, because Saddam will be gone. Those people are oppressed, and the only reason they are seen the way the are on the news is because they are frightened of Saddams Secret Police coming along and blowing their brains out. There is an absolute abundance of reasons why removing Saddam and his Baath party is a good idea, either by diplomatic (UN) means (however that is unlikely) or military means.