Thread: Hypocritical?
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Default 03-17-2003, 07:15 AM

Fuck, my post dissapeared...

...or, not...? oOo:

but here is another little article relating to the subject that is equally interesting...

"Its time that we opened our eyes to what is really going on here. Saddam is a tyrant, yes, and he's been a tyrant for several decades. However, Iraq's military was much more potent during the 1990s than it is now. If he was planning on attacking America, why did he wait until America was on high alert after September 11? The Sovet Union is nolonger backing their military force. What's more, if Powell and the United States really thought that Iraq posed an international threat, why is America being so brazen in its stance? The UN inspectors are reporting the destruction of major armaments, yet the United States is still planning on invading. Why?

The obvious answer is to force a regime change, yet that is not the real goal. The US does not plan on "rebuilding" the soon-to-be-ruined Iraq, they plan to break up OPEC by dividing the country into three smaller nations. This is no secret; it was in the news just the other day. The entire Iraq campaign is geared towards getting at Iraq's oil, thereby saving the American economy. That's the idea, anyways.

Bush knows he will lose the next election, but he plans to get the United States mired in a conflict as quickly as possible. But the more time that is given for people to actually think about the consequences of the war, the more everyone is opposed to it.

Yes Iraq will be defeated, and yes, Iraq will probably be divided. However, the long-term reprecussions of this war will be incredible. However much fun is made of the United Nations, they are a vital link between America's influence and the rest of the world. If America stops viewing other nations as business associates and independent powers, and more as simply obstacles to its will, the US could find itself friendless in the world very quickly. The attitude of "your either with us or against us" will create enemies swifty, although they may well remain hidden until the time is right.

What is needed now are not strong-arm tactics but a sense of global police action. The United States defeated Al-Qaida, but there is a world of difference between deposing a terrorist force, and virtually destroying an entire nation for the purposes of short term profit. In the end, you reap what you sow, and right now America is sowing the seeds of future international conflict."
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