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Default 03-17-2003, 10:33 PM

[quote="Recycled Spooge":55db6]Now for my FIVE FUCKING REASONS why I hate Bush.....
1) He supports trickle down economics, because obviously he's never read a history book in his life.
2) Everytime I hear him talk, I can imagine banjo music playing in the background.
3) He refers to verses from the Bible WAY TOO MUCH.
4) He appointed Ashcroft as Attourney General, a man who lost against a wife of a dead candidate who she replaced as a write in candidate in an election.
5) He reduced the taxes of the rich by 8% and made an illusion like we the middle and the low class are getting the benefit.
6) He's from Texas.
7) His economic policies remind me of Herbert Hoover's policies.

8) he wasn't elected he was appointed by the supreme court.
9) He is blind to the need of the people he is supposed to represent( if the make less the a million a year)
10) He has taking a great country and made it into one of the most feared in recent history
11) He is administration is made of known liars( see Iran-Contra)
12) His compassionate conservatisam is condradiction of terms.

Ok, that's more than 5. I have more, but I'm just lazy.[/quote:55db6]
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