Originally Posted by snipeymagoo
Originally Posted by Pyro
Lets kill millions of innocent civilians for the sheer joy of killing someone your father couldn't
Yippe yay ya hoo...lets go kill some more...whats next...how about we bomb europe...hell we can take over them right comrades...America is the superpower right...kill kill kill MUST FUCKING KILL.
innocent huh, apparently u didnt see the special mtv had about this arab kid saying that the USA deserved 9/11, thats the way most of those sand monkeys are over thier.......i.e. brainwashed
ok, first, nice racist 'sand monkey' remark.....really intelligent. Second, why would you judge millions of people by what some dumbass kid said on MTV? Third, u dont know any of those people, so please dont make stupid remarks like this. Go and read '1984' and think about who is really brainwashed.....