03-18-2003, 02:22 AM
You know, most of you are not even old enough to vote.
He is the leader of the United States of America.
You know, I might not agree with everying he has said in the past, but atleast he is stading up to Sadam.
The world will be much safer place without him.
Sadam thinks nothing but causing harm to others at any cost.
The guy is making nuclear weapons for god sake!!!
Go ahead and hide behind your words.
Talk goes nowhere.
We are at war with a monster and he must be removed from power.
You need to take a step back and look at what is really gong on here.
Sadam is the cause. Not bush.
If it wasnt for country like USA, and Britain to goto war to stop him, you would all be fucked.
This whole post shows nothing but IGNORANCE.