Originally Posted by Tripper
The UN should just call themselves The League Of Nations....It's more suiting to their actions these days.
On the French note.....At least they're allowing the Allied forces to use airspace, and airfields etc, if needed.....Belgium refused this.
That's just what i was gonna say, this is really reminding me of the League of Nations which also did basically the same thing.
I still can't beleive people who think that we are going to war for oil. WE ARE NOT! The reason that oil prices are soaring is because the strikes in Venezuela, the 3rd largest oil producing country in the world. If we wanted oil, we could have just invaded them. Also, just like in the Gulf War, Saddam will probably dump or set much of his remaining oil if he loses, so we can't have it.
Comparing this to D-Day is just stupid. D-Day was completely different. Iraq and 1940's Germany are quite different militarily.
For those people saying we have no business there, he only has short range missiles....These missiles can shoot Israel, a good ally, and he has connections to ists to whom he can give or sell chemical or biological weapons. What really es me off is the anti-war people will be the ones crying the hardest if we were to get another domestic ist attack. They would blame the Bush administration for not seeing it coming, like 9/11. hake: