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Default 03-18-2003, 08:20 AM

Your Damn right it is over used this comparoson dosnt even work because the nazis took over france sadam hasnt attacked anyone since the golf war was fought. we lost so many men fighting off the naizs because we ran out of options to get them out of france. there are many options still avalible to the US right now. and people who think that this will just be another golf war are out of there fu*king minds. Sadam might be a insane but he dose learn from his mistaks like he cant win a normal war so he will make them come to the citys where technolgy dosent mater because it's usless in the citys. then when he has them in the citys knowing he will still loose eventualy he launch bio wepons like the anthrax that the US sold him at the troops and some at isral. isral will respond with nucler wepons and kill some of the US troops in the proses.( not a very good allie to have)
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