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hamsters united is Offline
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Default 03-18-2003, 08:49 AM

Originally Posted by guarnere
do you guys even realise the reason this is being waged is because they hate western 'ways', they want to rid there culture of everything western...i am pro war, this man needs to be taken care isnt getting that much attention, which is kind of a bad thing...
The problem here is the word 'they'. Who are you referring to? Saddam? Iraqi's? The whole middle-east? Blacks? Jews? See where i'm getting at?Generalization doesnt help in this conflict, it's not like all iraqis are retarded fundamentalists who see Saddam as some kind of god.

Originally Posted by "hamsters united":a13ca
I know he's f'd in the head but do you really think that his ultimate goal in life is to cause harm to others?
yea, actually[/quote:a13ca]

lol, ok, everyone's got an hobby i guess....

Originally Posted by "hamsters united":a13ca
what do you suggest, everytime the USA doesn't like a regime they go ahead and bomb it?
only if that regime hijacks our planes and crashes them in to our buildings, sure...what are we gonna say "oh come on guys, please dont do anything else bad to us"...[/quote:a13ca]

maybe it's just me, but i seem to recall that hijacking had something to do with Al Qeada, not Saddam......
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