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Goresk is Offline
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Default 01-10-2002, 07:21 AM

I'm saying this so not to give the "Anti-gaming press" bullets to fire, instead of Saying "NAZI" say "AXIS" or "GERMAN" this is a game about warefare NOT political beliefs- this to demonizes Germans who FFS should not be victimized, this war ended 60 years- Political ideas such as these are-"Ancient History" and so is "Communisn" which under Stalin was Worse Than Hitlers Reign which in turn as Sadly Stigmatized Germans even to this Day And before people say i,m pro-Nazi I can say i hate people with these beliefs and also Communists,Anarchists, all 3 of these SO called beliefs whom practice a policy of hate and intolerance as i have said before this is not a game of politics but of a conflict which all of us are interested in and i,m one of these people who HATES to be called a Nazi for playing on the Axis side[I also play Yanks Esp. on CPR Severs] in other posts i,ve said that i would play any nation in this war- and yes to the USA the nations you have Forgottern the whole of Europe suffered and SO did Germany. please don't insult them by calling them nazis is'nt it better just to say Axis or the "Enemy" dont give the peoplepress who want to ban games like this for gods sake dont give them words they want to hear!

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