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Default 01-10-2002, 10:17 AM

o.k....guys we can sit here and debate constitutional law all day,but we are getting away from the point of the topic.
A forum frequenter,and friend of mine had his squad website yanked,because his clan was a Waffen-SS clan....not saying that he was a supporter of the SS,but rather that he based his clan after it....this is the type of bullshit that he was referring to,not "freedom of speech",or whatever.
Hee was just stating that overuse of highly contoversial words and actions,will get the game BAD PRESS ...and THAT,my friends is exactly what we don't want......
giving a game bad press is like giving a song a bad one will buy one will let their children buy it....
soo,why NOT just use ad-libbed germans,axis....???

oh and yup I forgot thought I got 'em all....
I personally hate communism and do not condone or support it.same with neo-nazism,marxism,racism,and basically ALL "isms"....

Mein Ehre Heisst Treue
Das Geminschaft
2nd SS Panzer Division
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