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Default 03-19-2003, 03:46 AM

I would like to add onto G's point. If someone wants something...ANYTHING made just for them, where do they go? thats right kids...the M/M/S forum. Why is this, because some of us ( biggrin actually do something for this community by making mods for all of you boobs to use (No Offense to anyone lol, I call everyone a boob, just ask G or Hobbs). Therefore, in finalization. I would like to state that It is Our (Modders) PLEASURE to make this stuff for you, but we also watch for dumbshit assholes who like to comment with useless tripe so that we may remember NEVER ...and I mean NEVER.. to help them in any way or fashion in the future. Now then, If I was completely adept with modeling I'd go ahead and give these a try. unfortunately I'm more into making scopes biggrin: than anything else. I'd say the best bet for these mods would be to just watch the forums until you hear something about them as I'm sure they are all in the works somewhere.

BTW Proteus...I dont think I've ever seen a mod with your name on it anywhere. so maybe your statement shoulda read more like "Why dont you just ask THEM to bear the blah blah blah...." I think you get my point. Not to be rude of course. Just pointing out an observation.
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