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Default 03-19-2003, 10:04 AM

No disrespect, Zoner (and I know your post wasn't entirely serious) but with a game that is still available to buy you will always get new players asking questions that seem old to you, so you should expect this to happen.

The search option isn't really viable, either... Not on this chuggy slow-arse site. Just try typing leanbind into search and you'll get tons and tons of responses, half of which are bloody useless (after a few hours of searching hehe). It's a lot easier to do this and just as easy to either ignore it or reply to it

On topic: Leanbinding is the same as anything in this game... One person doing it is ok, but a whole server doing it becomes old and very boring.

You know the scenario.. You join a nice quiet server where everyone is about your level of ability and everything's going great, and then someone joins and starts leanbinding with the SMG.

Before you know it everyone is using SMGs (this used to be shotguns) and everyone is bobbing left and right like complete idiots.

30 minutes of that and I'm typing quit into my console.

Using lean and strafe (whether bound or not) on corners and in positions of cover makes sense to me. Using it in the middle of an open area is just plain stupid and you can tell the mentality of the player by it.

They think that by moving their head like epileptic chickens that you'll have a hard time hitting them in critical areas.

Sadly, when a good player uses it, this can the case. It escapes me why these good players still use leanbind like this... Surely they have "grown out" of this newbie bind by now (and it really is for newbies... No self-respecting above average player will cut corners like that)?

This is the single reason why I am still tempted to get Spearhead, despite all the bad stuff I read about it here.

I can put up with a little butt-scooting if I can play a full game without seeing some nob jerking his head about whilst running at full tilt.

Why oh why EA couldn't have patched MOH:AA with this I don't know.
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