01-10-2002, 04:17 AM
Americans can only carry guns due o it written into the constitution from the American Revolution when all 'freedom loving americans can carry guns' i dont know the exact words. its not because of america is so much better its just an act passed hundreads of years ago top get more men to the continental army and militia to fight the brits. by the way that great hollywood film depicting all the 'redcoats' as evil villains murdering children and destroying famillys. im talking about the patriot cant they tell it how it was. soory to bring that up but while i was talking about the american revolution i might as well have said that.
i agree with you ever said about calling the enemy Nazis and bad things like that... i had several relatives in the war. some of them who survived said how much they respoected the whermact... not himmlers ss and killing squads but the german equivelent to the American army, the yanks have the 101st the germans have the 5th Fallshirmjagers the brits had the 8th army the germans the Africa Korps.also i dont think Erwin Rommel was a Nazi, plotting against Hitler, he was a soldier which alot of the rascist air heads around here wouldnt have the guts to do.
i like most here play this game and others because of an interest in milatary history if someone carrys on a war which ended 57 years ago by calling German citizens Nazis and even people playing as Axis that is a disgrace to men who thought to end the damn war, i lost several relatives in all kinds of theaters, Africa, atlantic sea and france.
whi says that soem of you people have the right to fight as the Americans all you are doing is dis honouring them. I know Great German people, my uncles and grand parents who were there, fighting and being killed by the germans had respect for the enemy, just play the game and have fun... take all of this hatred of the Nazis out of the game, i dont like them but the Army was doing its job. If i hear one more comment about the Nazis in the game or on this forum then you are singal dis honouring fine men who died for you.
end it now.