01-11-2002, 11:29 AM
There is a dark side to this "Telefrag/Respawn" topic:
The scumbag "spawnkiller cheats" who either have a clear sniper shot to, or camp near a "Respawning" location. They are nothing more than sub-amphibious lambasted pieces of shit! They kill players, as they are respawning, and most vulnerable. Epic/UT came out with a mod called spawn-guard that makes the player invincible for about five seconds, enough time to find a weapon and blast the crap outa these jerks.
Actually I'm not a newbie wooby to the FPS world, and I can blast with the best of them in UT online. There is one thing that I do when there is a spawnkiller. I tell them that THEY are now MY ONLY TARGET! Like a spook out of no-where, there I am at their seemingly safe sniper spot, I either knock them off into oblivion, stand there with the Tranz and telefrag them as they turn around, or best yet- start loading a five rocket load into the rocket launcher- 'zaa-zink zaa-zink zaa-zink", by the time they turn around too see what the noise is it's too late and they are BLASTED!
I am so fast with the Tranz, that I can't be hit that easily by these sniping assholes. I usually get to them several times blasting them each time until they get frustrated and leave the server. Good riddance!
That’s the "-=]XK[=UTomic=PUNK=-" version of "spawn-guard".
HA! HA! HA! You cheating bastards! See if you can kill me! (Spawn Killers)