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Default 01-11-2002, 04:52 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by UTomicPUNK:

You Quake dudes (Q3 is a killer DM game and I play it also) miss all the fun "Telefraging" other opponents using the TRANSLOCATOR in Unreal Tournament.

For those who are in the "WTF?" mode:

The "Tranz" is a device that shoots a spinning disc on Primary Fire, about 50 to 100 feet horizontally, and/or 30 feet (3 levels) vertically. Once the disc lands, an antenna pops up. When Secondary Fire is pressed it "Teleports" the player to the position that the disc is located. Excellent device!

Those who master the Tranz can move about like a spook, appearing, and disappearing in different spots at will. It also increases your speed to get from one area of a map to another. If you leave a disc in the enemy's camp (CTF), run back to your base and score, you can instantly Teleport back to the enemy base.

The Tranz is also a very effective weapon by "Telefraging" anyone in your path. As you approach an opponent, shoot the disc (lob the disc) towards the opponent, then Teleport at the exact moment when the disc is in very close proximity of your victim. Whooosh! You teleport to that spot, kill your opponent, and add another frag to your total.

UT has the same problem getting "Telefraged" by either simultaneously respawning in the same spawn area with someone else, or by standing in a spawning area when someone respawns. It happens, it sucks, and the funny thing is that whoever survives the simultaneous respawn gets a frag for it!

BTW- Newbee with MOHAA (just got it last night) with three stupid questions:

1) I'm certain that there is a console in this game, what key activates the console window?

2) Does the console allow multiple functions for raw key bindings on press and release of the key?

3) Is there a script that enables joystick support? The control menu doesn't do it, and I was successful enabling the joystick in RTCW by adding a script. (I use 3 controls-Mouse, Keyboard, and Joystick)

Thanks in advance to those who can help me out.


answers to your questions :
1.first go to your MOH:AA shortcut and right-click it,then click properties.then add this line one space after the end of the "target" line.... +set developer "1" +set ui_console 1
then in-game use the ~ key to bring it can type in cmdlistand get a full list of all the different commands.
2.prolly is...damned if I know how though use those darn joysticks,so one again,Dunno....

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