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Default 03-20-2003, 10:04 AM

so lame...

alot of the best players play keybound. at least the ones i know of. every single individual player who wants to know how to do this can very very very easily find out how to do such a thing. its just as easy as getting custom maps/mods/skins. so the excuse of it not being in a menu is just stupid. there is no menu for fps menu for menu for downloading and installing maps and mods. and how in the hell can you guys say no-fog and lean/strafe bind are alike? thats one of the more ridiculous things i have heard around here in a long time. pfft...not even in the same league. ones a cheat..the others a manuvering tactic. lol...ok
i dont care how i look to anyone while i play this game. as long as i use stock skins..them im fine with that. nobody flames me for lean/strafe..and i have shown a helluva lot of people how to bind the two keys..just as i was shown by a rather elite player who will remain anonymous. so whine, laugh, do whatever it is you do when you see a binder...although we knows its because usually the binders are strong players to begin with and you see your fate clearly

after all..its just a game people...this game isnt real life. i know you all know and say this..but that seems to be conveniently forgotten at times too.

oh..and clanbase is ONE LADDER! HAHAHA!! there are plenty others..much bigger and reveered than clanbase. so pfft on clanbase .. but i will say i have particpated in clanbase ladder matches bound and nobody ,and i mean nobody, whined or bitched...cuz half the other team was doing the same thing. lol. the clan was ranked #1 on the realism ladder. figure it out if you really wanted to know who and what i/we are/was. so take your clanbase ladder analogy and toss that one right out the window too while your at it eek:
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