03-20-2003, 12:15 PM
Is America being attacked? Is an evil tirant invading them? Are the Americas a conquered nation?
Why the hell do France have to help fight Iraq?
Excuse me for thinking this but it seems to me that Americans in general like war and are actually looking forward to seeing Iraqis die (at least this is the case with most Americans that I see discussing war on any of the many game boards I visit).
The only nation that thinks this war is needed/wanted is America. Believe me when I say that British people do not want this war.
Blair is almost totally alone in believing this war is the right thing to do. He's gone completely against opinion polls and his decision to go to war has caused the biggest revolt in a British political party in history. Brave? Stupid? That's his perogative.
So, based on this, I suppose the British must be pussies, too? This means that anyone who does not wish to proactively take part in the death of people is a pussy?
Stupid mentality.
France has absolutely no obligation to help America or Britain fight a war they are going to wage. I'm 100% certain that they would help if Iraq attacked one of the Allied nations though.
As they have just said.
Damn, they must be complete bastards... not wanting to kill people...