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Default 03-20-2003, 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by Ydiss
No, from the way people like you talk it seems you have to be pro-war to not be a pussy. I didn't say "To hell with America" once.

Yeh, I know nothing of how the majority of Americans feel, especially the ones who barely escaped with their lives on 9/11. Especially the Brits that also escaped with their lives, or the families that lost loved ones that day?

How about the thousands of families over here who have lost loved ones due to IRA terrorist attacks. I know nothing of that as well?

I know a lot about it, which is exactly why I don't believe in war. The Ireland conflicts have all but been resolved now and it was done using diplomacy and patience. We could quite easilly have sent in the SAS and our armed forces and obliterated the IRA at any time but that would be condoning what they did.

September 11th? Horrible day, horrible tragedy.

War in Iraq?

September 11ths will happen every week.

Only, this won't affect you, will it? So who cares...

Don't bother trying to justify war by bringing the old September 11th excuse out. That wasn't even Iraq.

It was a horrible event that affected thousands directly and millions indirectly.

Iraq will be no different, only bigger and much much longer-lasting. And it won't be affecting you.

My, what a brave person you are. Certainly not a pussy, are you?

Might I also point out that you are sat in the safety of your computer chair? Or are you actually on the font-line in Iraq right now with a lap-top?

Just because your nation is waging war on Iraq doesn't make you a bigger or better person, or nation, than anyone else.
I feel compelled to reply to your comments.
Let me start off by asking you this. Do you know why the coalition is waging war in Iraq?
Well, just incase you don't know, i'll state the reason here for you to see.

You see, once upon a time, there was this bad guy called Saddam Hussein. He ruled over a fierce regieme that tortured and gassed it's own people in a land called Iraq. Well, one day, this bad guy Saddam decided that having some nuclear weapons around would be fun. So fun infact, that he thought he could share them with his bad buddies called "terrorists". Now, with his evil friends, bad guy Saddam can spread his evil to all parts of the world while never leaving Iraq. Well, the people of the world found out about all of this and they decided to do something about it. So, 35 nations got together and called themselves a "coalition". This coalition of 35 nations thought they could sweet talk bad guy Saddam out of his ideas but no matter how hard the coalition tried, they were unsuccessful. The only other thing the coalition could do was to play the same game Saddam knows so well so they decided to go into Iraq and remove the evil toys from Saddams control. The coalition thinks this may prevent events like those that happened on that quiet September morning in a busy lil' place called New York. (thats a whole other story that i may share with you at a later date). So, there you have it.....the story of the bad guy Saddam and the good guys (the coalition) and their differences.

Now, what did we learn from this lil' story? Well, i'll tell you what we learned.
1. 35 nations seem to think this is necessary
2. This affects everyone around the globe......even Ireland (nukes in the wrong hands are no joke)
3. "diplomacy and patience" in this case was tried and didn't work.
4. The war in Iraq won't be affecting us directly.....only the people who were tortured and gassed by Saddam.
5. September 11ths WON'T happen every week.
6. .....that i'm not a pussy? Well, i don't think that was in the story.
7. .....i guess everyone has a right to an opinion....unless you're under Saddams thumb.

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