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Default 03-20-2003, 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by pest
It is ironic to me, that you are pro-binding, when you have always seemed to be so pro-stock when it came to everything else in the game, even to the point that you have disabled force models on your server (a stock feature).
Multibinding is not a MOD it's a configuration. It has nothing to do with stock, unstock, or otherwise.
Originally Posted by Gerard
You're an idiot,
Good one..
Originally Posted by Gerard
if it gives you such a "disadvantage" then why the fuck do so many people do it?
Some people think it's funny, some people think it's an advantage, some people like to annoy the weak cry baby types that cry over little things like lean-binding, some do it for shotgun rushing in hallways, and then there is me. I do it because I was the one that started it all. I'm just used to playing with this configuration now. And i still need to show my love.
Originally Posted by Gerard
It can be used to peoples advantage by making them harder to hit, for example battering a+d while running with leanbind enabled makes you a far harder target to hit especially to people attempting to snipe you.
Aw.. you poor fucking little, can't aim for shit, baby.. Who gives a fuck if you have trouble aiming. Stop whining.. Seriously.. Think it's easy to aim when you lean every time you strafe? Try it..
Originally Posted by Gerard
Doing this with leanbind disabled would be a lot harder as you'd be pressing 4 buttons instead of just 2. There goes your theory down the shitter.
blah fucking blah blah.. I personally still use the lean buttons and I bind lean / strafe to one key.. But I still use the lean buttons to right myself in times of need. And i'm constantly using the lean buttons to stay in a leaning position.. You think it's tuff pressing a button to lean and a separate button to strafe? Try multibinding lean and strafe to one button and still using lean buttons to counteract thee affects.
Originally Posted by Gerard
Ive lost track of the amount of idiots i see running about with leanbinding enabled firing smg's and getting cheap kills while theyre duckwaddling about like some kinda of inbred retard.
Cheap kills? I time my shots. I may be leaning.. But I only fire my weapon when your lame ass head is in my crosshair.
Originally Posted by Gerard
Maybe you should actually do some research on it before spouting a lot of bollocks.
That's your closing arguement? I need to do research? That doesn't make no sense. Research? I was the first to bind lean and strafe to one key. I've been called everything from a cheater to a gay man for doing this. I've had my share of research. Trust me.
Originally Posted by Ydiss
By the way, I lean and strafe from time to time but I have it bound to my mouse keys. I find it way better and easier than using binds. And I don't look like a twerp
Thank you.. You find it easier w/o the multibind. W0rdemup to that.. I think that most crybabies would realize it IS alot easier to play without binding lean / strafe to one key. And I also think anyone that feels the need to point out how stupid it looks on a regular basis.. Thoughs type people just suck and use "he is multibinding" as an excuse to cover up the fact they can not aim.. IMO though.
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