03-20-2003, 03:03 PM
[quote:f0d62]Good one.. [/quote:f0d62]
Indeed it was asshole.
[quote:f0d62]Some people think it's funny, some people think it's an advantage, some people like to annoy the weak cry baby types that cry over little things like lean-binding, some do it for shotgun rushing in hallways, and then there is me. I do it because I was the one that started it all. I'm just used to playing with this configuration now. And i still need to show my love.[/quote:f0d62]
Yeah sure "you" started it all, im really sure thats the way it happened. Sorry to tell ya kid but lean binding started about a day after the multiplayer demo for medal of honor was released, you didn't register here till 2 months after the game was released so id doubt very fucking much you even knew what medal of honor was up untill that point. Then again trying to claim credit for such a lame tactic is kinda gay anyway. oOo:
[quote:f0d62]Aw.. you poor fucking little, can't aim for shit, baby.. Who gives a fuck if you have trouble aiming. Stop whining.. Seriously.. Think it's easy to aim when you lean every time you strafe? Try it..[/quote:f0d62]
Actually it is easy to aim when leanin strafing, your view point is slightly changed to one of the sides depending where you are leaning but aside from that its the same principles that would apply even if you weren't leaning. As for "can't aim for shit".
Thats says otherwise cocksucker, no lame ass leanbinding, just good sniping. Then again you're the guy that needs every gay ass advantage that he needs when he plays the game, what would you know about "good" gamplay. Retard. oOo:
[quote:f0d62]blah fucking blah blah.. I personally still use the lean buttons and I bind lean / strafe to one key.. But I still use the lean buttons to right myself in times of need. And i'm constantly using the lean buttons to stay in a leaning position.. You think it's tuff pressing a button to lean and a separate button to strafe? Try multibinding lean and strafe to one button and still using lean buttons to counteract thee affects. [/quote:f0d62]
Already tried lean binding and imo its not difficult to "counteract the effects". For the guy that supposodly pioneered (haha yeah right) this method of gayness you seem to be pretty pathetic at it.
[quote:f0d62]Cheap kills? I time my shots. I may be leaning.. But I only fire my weapon when your lame ass head is in my crosshair. [/quote:f0d62]
Sure ya do, and if someone is constantly hammering a&d with lean binding enabled timing your shots is 100x more of a pain than it should be especially if you're sniping. However for the leanbinder all they have to do is spray the area you're in with their smg or mg (oddly enough they always seem to use those 2 weapons, wonder why oOo: ) and theyre gonna do some damage or get a cheap kill.
[quote:f0d62]That's your closing arguement? I need to do research? That doesn't make no sense. Research? I was the first to bind lean and strafe to one key. I've been called everything from a cheater to a gay man for doing this. I've had my share of research. Trust me. [/quote:f0d62]
Again trying to claim credit for something "you discovered" AFTER the games release even though it was rampant in the first few days of the multiplayer demo. Yeah sure i believe you, millions wouldn't.
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.