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Default 03-20-2003, 06:00 PM

Im pretty sick of the news coverage already. It the same story over and over as they have nothing else to talk about. They are STILL talking about the first strikes that were said to be aimed at saddam himself.
And then they come up with their theories on what will happen next yawn yawn
"The US officials will not release an official statement of their latest intentions"

OF COURSE THEY WONT! its a friggin war not a sports event.

And if i see the same footage of US troops loading a truck and folding a tent one more time i will scream. They show it everytime they talk about when US ground forces will move in.
And of course being the british news reporters, they wont shut up what they think the SAS are doing right now.

The saddest thing ive seen though was an interview today with former SAS man Andy McNab, and they had him blacked out to hide his identity. PLEASE! all you need to do is buy his book Immediate Action. there are pictures of him and some sqaud mates without the black line over their eyes.

This was a classic though: "The US F-117's more commonly known as stealth fighters are not completely infallible, if the iraqis throw up enough anti air fire, they might just hit one."


One thing i did find funny though, was when bush was making his speech that war had begun, i flicked over to channel five - Live coverage of NASCAR racing!! a channel for the rednecks biggrin: