03-20-2003, 07:10 PM
Fuck off Lone $niper goto fucken hell you fucken spamming newb cock sucker. I would like to see you do better you fucken asshole. Fuck off homo, and don't reply back you pussy. Go suck george bush's dick, that will make you happy. You make a new name ever 2 days bloodranger,trish stratus,ringwraiths,alleniverson, and now ur lone$niper? Go fuck a monkey, or should I say get fucked by a monkey. All you do is spam these forums you don't provide the MOH community except SPAM! Go baack to that icydizines forum and go spam there. I'm sick of you...always asking people to make sigs when have no reason to be in any forums. Get a dick, make ur own sigs, stop spamming, stop being a cock, stop with ur negative comments, do something for the community, and get out of these forums. You little 10 year old brat. Just fucken go away, no one likes you Spam is your middle name live with it...