What a wonderfull discussion

Especially those who call all germans Nazis. Great point!! I'd go and stuff me old pipe an tell that to your children and within one generation your children are brainwashed in the same way. Why??? because you do not tell the truth then and thus making it impossible for your children to judge. Simple and clear. Get the point?
If not, please go read some good autobiographs and watch some good documentaries and not the "Hey I saved private RYan" docu's on prime time television. Take a good weekend around may and tune into DIscovery channel (Europe version). You will see what really happened.
ALso you might go and talk to the european elderly to get an idea. Hell, lot's of things went wrong those days. I will be the last to disagree on that. Also that a lot of German soldiers and officers were cold blooded "nazis". But there were in fact people who were different, but could not make a stand or were brutally forced. Take a look at the way how german soldiers were shot point blank by not following a command by their officers. That will show some discipline (and will ensure that no one speaks up).
See it the same way the US army dealt with gay soldiers some years ago. There were lots of them, but did they really make a stand for it?? Hell no, they'd be slaughtered by the others. Different story, same point.
A lot of german soldiers were nazi's? true. All? No. If you still think different I personally think you have absolutely no indepth information about the ww-II and react purely on emotion and that my dear friends is what makes the most wars start.