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Default 03-21-2003, 07:16 AM

Wow. Some of you guys are realling buying into this oppositional stuff agains the US. It's like you guys are paranoid: "Oh, this must be bad, look what the US is doing!"

"Iraq can't have water because of the sanctions."

And the Kurds can't have freedom because of Saddam; the people are killed, and more could with the WMDs that Saddam possesses

Also, I am positive that getting the Iraqi people some clean water will be one of the first things that we do after Saddam is taken from power. You make it seem as if we are purposefully trying to make the Iraqi people suffer, but it is quite the contrary, we are trying to free them.

I was listening to the radio just the other day and they had an Iraqi man who had emigrated to America. He said he was extremely happy and that he had fulfilled the dream of many Iraqis back home and that the rest of his family was dying to come over to get away from Saddam. He says that liberation is what the Iraqi people dream of. And this guy was soooooo happy, and he was a pizza delivery man. Shows how much better our country is than Iraq, if a guy can be happier than ever as a pizza man, because he has freedom and liberty.