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Default 01-11-2002, 11:13 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by malarkey, which is slang for bullshit... that doesn't mean I'm trying to insult you... it is.
actuall if it wasnt for president woodro wilson ( yes an american) dreming up great ideas for the new germany, going all the way to versailles and then speak aload of crap, it was mainly he who shitted on germany. And yes the brits and the french were a bit harsh and of course they could see 25 years into the future knowing that a corporal in the german army would become leader of germany and take over europe and bring the world into war. tell me were was the main part of the great war thought.... texas, miami,pittsburgh... no in northern france... that part of the country was devastated so i think they had the right to be slightly p o'd.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
The exact problem was the fact that the Froggies and the British were reacting on emotion. They were pissed and wanted to exact a sort of revenge on the Krauts. I can understand this, BUT... they should have gone with the 14 points. Why? You are probably demanding, because this should have been done by someone who was impartial, while the French and British suffered immense casualties and wanted reparation, they should have been thinking about what they were doing to that country, but were more or less blinded by the fact that they wanted to fuck Germany in the ass with a bayonet. While Wilson wasn't exactly predicting that this would happen, he at least wasn't thinking about emotion, and could understand that at one time or another the Allies would need to start commerce with the Krauts again. BUT again, the fact that Wilson didn't protest more does lend a hand to the U.S. helping to nourish the seeds that the Treaty planted.

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