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Default 01-11-2002, 09:18 AM

Maybe so but you did any of you realise what a state Germany was in before the war? A billion marks for a loaf of bread and suddenly this guy comes to power and he says he has all the answers. Let me just say that if any of us were living in Germany at the time we a great many of us would be swept up in things like Hitler Youth, Waffen SS etc.

I remember watching that movie Nuremburg and when the top Nazi officer was on the stand and the prosecutor asked him "Who questioned the orders for the concentration camps?"
"No one living, only the yesmen are still alive"
So for Christ's sake you must understand that the German people were tricked into the Third Reich and any opposition to it was crushed.

They only good person who ever came out of the Nazi Party was Oskar Schindler.

So were all German soldiers Nazi's? I don't know but certainly they weren't all evil and fanatical but they were certainly tricked into the Third Reich.

Were the Germans the only bad guys? No. Invading Russians committed terrible atrocities such as rape, murder and looting. Hell, even Australian soldiers committed war crimes. For example after a platoon tied up some Japanese prisoners and moved on, the next platoon through bayonetted them and ran on.
So what is the difference between Freedom Fighters and the German soldiers? Not much.

Every human as the ability to do things they would never EVER think themselves capable of doing.
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