01-11-2002, 11:09 AM
Hitler was a manipulator.
The German people felt they had not actually been defeated in ww1, and that the treaty of versaice(sp) was cruel and unjust.
Germany went from broke to dirt poor during the depression, and in desperate times, desperate actions can be taken.
In general (generalizations are bad but whatever ;p) Germany was PISSED off about ww1, about being broke, and about the state of their country. Yes, they were ready to go to war, they wanted back parts of Germany which were lost after ww1, they wanted to anex the german speaking people of Poland that they felt were rightful nationals of Germany. This is what the GERMAN people wanted, Hitler wanted something completely different, and I doubt very few people outside of his inner circle actually knew the full scale of his plans.
The German people went willingly to war. Why not? In their opinion they were sold out by German royalty in ww1, they had ALOT of pride, and in a few short years had gone from the depths of the depression to being the single most powerful military power on the globe. However, Hitler manipulated that sence of nationalism to his own means, Western Europe was in his hands, and everyone knew it was only a matter of time untill Communist Russia and Fascist Germany butted heads. Better to do it while Russia is more or less still an agrarian economy, rather than an industrialized juggernaught it became during her war with Germany.
People are sheep, while the German people maybe initially only wanted to do x y and z. After each stunning victory, Hitler said just a little more, and they kept going. If the German people are guilty of anything in ww2, it is of denial, and of resentment. Denial of what the majority of people in Germany claim they knew nothing of, and resentment towards france and britain.
They said, it can't be true, and they pushed it to the backs of their minds while the Nazi party ruled by fear and propoganda.
One MUST differntiate between someone who VOTES for a political party, and being a registered MEMBER of that party, and people who believe 100% in the doctrine of that party. By and large the majority of Germans were not nazi's, they just voted that way because they felt THAT is the party that could lead them back to respect.
Sorry for the book, but when uneducated country bumpkins spout off about things they know absolutely jack about. Well, someone needs to come and lay it all out nice and clear ;p
Bye now