01-11-2002, 01:17 AM
"My honour is called loyalty" (if my german is any good)
Then it says "Stinky Führer" "Nation Klaus"
Only the two SS make it dubious.
And for some reason, I can't understand what Telephone is writing.
But please, the Germans did not know that they were doing the "wrong" thing. They were fighting for their country. They wanted one great Germania (das dritte Reich). More than 7 years Hitler was the leader of Germany, before he started the war. He had time enough to convince the people of the necessity of a war (remember, opposition was forbidden). Propaganda movies, posters, audiographs were distributed amongst the people. The Germans only heard one opinion. It's a psychological phenomenae that people just "follow the flow" when there's only one opinion, and don't forget Hitler's mass meetings! It was a lot of social pressure, that is VERY difficult to withstand.