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Default 03-21-2003, 07:04 PM

[quote:f7095]1. openly challenging and taking on issues with the intent of making more difficult definitions of words, messages of media and rhetoric that makes coming to terms with war easy.

2. ...through the elimination of the issue of oil as a potential future American justification for war.

3. the elimination of the horrible Palestinian and Kurdish refugee conditions by the act of doing the right, moral, and just thing.

4. ...through creative UN sanctions that can be sustained because they benefit Iraqi and her neighbors involvement.

5. ...through continued involvement in long-term medical, educational, informational, and cultural programs that respect traditional cultures.

6. ...through the empowerment of trusted diplomats who are given the task of communicating consistent formal recognition that peace and human rights remains the primary American diplomatic objective.

7. taking and holding the moral high ground of maintaining Peace through the universal encouragement of human, civil and constitutional rights in all of our foreign decisions.

8. nourishing, carefully cultivating and maintaining our constant and consistent faith in the goodwill of our fellow man, even as we continue to remain vigilant of imminent attack to our nation and to our allies. [/quote:f7095]

Most of the countries in the Middle East resent our mere presence in their land, and we're supposed to go in there and tell them how to run their country and handle their problems? The fact is that we're already in a mess, and simply saying "respect traditional cultures" isn't going to promote peace and respect for each other. Oil is not an issue..simple as that.. UN sanctions have obviously done nothing to stop Saddam from oppressing his people.
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