Server Map Rotation - Obj, TOW, TDM - How? -
03-23-2003, 02:42 AM
Ok, I am running a Spearhead server and I want to run a mixture of TDM maps, TOW Maps, and MOH:AA Obj maps. I setup the maplist with the maps i wanted. SH TDM Maps, AA TDM Maps, SH TOW Maps, and AA obj maps. I set the server type to 5 for TOW because I couldn't get the TOW maps to work as TOW on any other setting. They would come up in TDM mode on the other settings.
Here is where the problem starts. One I hit TOW maps, my rotation goes out the window and just runs the four standard TOW maps. I have to manually move to the next map in RCON and I am not always going to be around to do that.
Second: Obj maps behave oddly. For example: V2 if you blow up both objectives, you have to wait for both to blow up, even if the axis are all dead. If the allies are all dead and the Axis manage to save any of the objectives, then you have to wait for the time to run out.
Third: I Rconned out of the obj and back to my start map, a Spearhead TDM map since I got bored waiting for the map time to run out everytime. On the TDM map after the Obj maps, respawn was not working. I fixed that by executing my server.cfg, but again, I will not be around all the time to do that.
So, is there any way to mix these different map types and have them behave properly without having to have someone modify things in Rcon.
Mods are preferrable to running exe's on the server because the server is being hosted so it costs dinero to have them load anything on it, whereas I can ftp up pk3 files freely.
Thanks for any help you can provide. I think it's pretty much a long shot.