03-23-2003, 10:56 PM
ok i have sucessfully made copies of MOHAA that work just like the originals
now i am only giving this information away to make back ups of original cds
This information i provide should not be used for personal gain or to make coies for other people. now with that said
you need 2 programs
1 alcohol 120%
2 ClonyXXL
ok now after downloading and installing both of these programs put the original cd in a cd-rom then run ClonyXXL to find out what the disk is protected by(I.E. safedisk 1.0) after figureing that out run Alcohol 120%
select the protection type at the botom of the screen and then just pick copy image or copy to cd do not touch any thing else except the burn speed thats the only thing you should select anything for is burn speed and protection type and if your copying or writeing an image file
And the copy is made test it out and it should work like a fresh copy og the original disk
i must repeat this information is for the purpose of making back-ups of original cd's only.