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Default 01-11-2002, 08:28 AM

I must be the only person on this board who doesn't spend all his time researching WWII and WWII movies looking up the weapons used, the physics of those weapons and whether MoH portrays them realisticly or not.

I don't bother, 'cos the sole reason I will be buying MoH is to play a game.

Games are there to be played and mastered within the limits of the rules. If you think the shotgun is unfair then work out a way to beat it. I have.

A good game will have balance. The World War was never balanced. I don't need to read books to know that, or watch copious movies. War just isn't balanced, it never is.

War also is not fun. If you all want a game to be entirely realistic then you won't have crosshairs, you will slow right down after one hit to a leg, you'd not be able to aim after being shot in the arm, and you'd bleed to death slowly either way!

War is a pain in the arse. Anyone who said war was fun was a complete psycho. I don't remember my grandad telling me it was fun, in fact I remember much different.

MoH is a lot more realistic (and the word 'realistic' is not the same as the word 'real'; Realistic means real-like) than most other games out there.

MoH has four automatic weapons! For the sake of variety there's a shotgun. Now a whole team using the shotgun is silly, I agree, but they won't win any games, I can tell you that.

Add an m1 carbine and another automatic weapon instead of the shotgun? I don't see that as much variety, really.

I don't agree shotguns are guns for men, as Hotspur said, they are more for players who like to lurk and sneak and keep in enclosed areas. They don't require an immense skill to actually hit someone, but they do need skill to kill consistently with.

I don't play Quake, I never liked it. I played Half-life Death-match, however, and that game has more variety of weaponry than any fps game I've played.

It's completely unrealistic, but it's extremely balanced. It has virtually unlimited ranges of skill, but most importantly it's fun.

The shotgun in Half-life is wonderful. Primary fire to shoot a single shot, Secondary fire to shoot a double shot. Single is more accurate at range, but less powerful unless aimed well (headshots will kill). Double shots are widespread and very inaccurate (Just like in MoH).

The newbies use double shot all the time and run out of ammo fast, only getting kills at close range. The better players use both depending on situation.

Step back a minute, put your history books away and just play MoH how you like to. Only the truly bad players moan consistently about players using a weapon, be it shotgun, grenades, or bazooka.

The good players just get on with it and learn how to beat them.

If you don't like it, don't play it.

Defining quotation for this post: Medal of Honor is a game, not a history lesson.

Thanks for reading my ramblings
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