03-25-2003, 07:32 AM
It'd help, yeh. It'd get rid of the petty cheat.
Sadly, it won't get rid of the more harsher hacks available that don't have anything to do with pk3s.
But, every little does help, you're right.
It just wouldn't eliminate cheats altogether, but what does?
By the way, the no recoil pk3 does work exactly as you say but it doesn't glean a 50% advantage unless you're seriously inept at mouse navigation over small distances.
If you don't know how to control your weapon then it will spread anyway, no recoil or not. Having no recoil simply means you don't know how badly your weapon is kicking at any one time unless you're close enough to the target to see the impacts.
The difference is there for some people, even if it's just a placebo, but it's so marginal as to not be worth cheating for. But that's just opinion.