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poor comps cause problems
Kaiser [K1] is Offline
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Default poor comps cause problems - 03-26-2003, 04:45 AM

the explainations for it's lack of success are 3 fold

1) main complaint no new objective maps.

This is by a large distance the biggest problem. Look at and see what's played the most.

2) crap coding means low FPS.

I am not an expert but i don't see why when i play spearhead my FPS is halfed. (It's supposed to be an expansion pack)

3) the bumming around (very annoying to shoot somone only to find instead of dying they speed up and move on their arse at high speed around the map.)

I still play it though as the objective maps are fun with the smoke nades.

And for those that do we will be running a 20 man server every wednesday night from 17:00 GMT to 0:00 GMT.
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