Re: poor comps cause problems -
03-26-2003, 07:16 AM
[quote="Kaiser [K1]":6b6e1]the explainations for it's lack of success are 3 fold
1) main complaint no new objective maps.
2) crap coding means low FPS.
I am not an expert but i don't see why when i play spearhead my FPS is halfed. (It's supposed to be an expansion pack)
I knew about the lack of objective maps so that didn't deter me from buying it. It's sad that EA failed to realise that Obj is the most favoured version, but I guess they considered TOW to be so revolutionary and amazing that no one would care. Very wrong. TOW is just Omaha all over again.
The FPS issue doesn't affect me on the original AA maps at all, only the custom ones.
I have a 1.67ghz XP 2000+, 512MB DDR and 64mb Gf3 ti200 which is roughly twice as powerful as the recommended specs so to have to put up with 15 FPS on some maps is unforgivable.
The added runspeed is probably one of the reasons for perceived lack of performance as the game definitely is not as smooth as it was before. Mind you, without this, it'd take years to traverse some of the bigger maps.
By all means if Pacific is a good sequel and it doesn't require me to upgrade again then I'll probably be interested, but by that time I'll probably be into something else anyway.