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Re: for the record...
Bazooka_Joe is Offline
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Default Re: for the record... - 03-27-2003, 10:10 AM

Originally Posted by BallisticWookie
Originally Posted by BadScript
I never banned Strik0r, or anybody else except the GOD team and a few spammers. Those bans were requested by Joe, or rudedog, or upset members and verified by myself. I always try to give second chance to my forum members, even upset some of my mods from time to time... just ask them.

The only other admin was Wookie, and I well believe he ban those people for a reason. If you're trying to get someone unbanned, please talk to him, I will not unban someone who's not banned by me, just plain and simple respect for the other admin.

FYI, Joe is coming onboard to be the next admin too... I'm sure many of you are looking forward to that. evil:
Strange thing is, I didnt ban those guys either. I had no reason too. I was too busy too even LOOK at these forums at the period that those mass bannings occured. So who the hell did it ?? Unless someone hacked someones account and did it themselves ????? I'll state for the record again, that I DID NOT ban Strik0r (or any of the others). I like Strik0r (and the others guys that were banned), I had no reason to ban, or even worse completely delete his account (or the others). Something strange is going on here.
So then who the hell banned them??!