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Default 03-27-2003, 01:00 PM

Well, it has a figure-o-eight road, with the central part bridged. There is a park, monument, library, bar, florist, butchers, grocers, town hall, hotel with car park and a few other houses. All will be accessable, although some less than others. Each building will have 2-3 floors.

Xfire was very detailed and concentrated. This map will be just as detailed (so no empty box-shaped rooms) but spread out a little more.

Think The Bridge/Crossroads but more width, a little more detail and complexity and without sewers (no one uses them in TDM anyway - they're always empty on every TDM map that has them).

It's ready to map, except I want more votes to make sure there's enough people interested. 15 aint near enough, sorry biggrin:
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