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Default 03-27-2003, 05:58 PM

30 is as fast as it needs to be. Anthing over 25 and the brain is fooled into believing motion, anything over 30 and it's as smooth as is needed. The only reason you'd want FPS to exceed 90 is because when you have a busy situation you know it won't srop too far.

If it's only 30fps on an empty server however there's something wrong with yoru setup. It must have something to do with your card and refresh rates, sadly this is where my knowledge ends oOo:

One thing that would definitely help is not connecting to servers with a ping of 140+. if this is as good as you can manage then it must be your location.

For a truly smooth game you need less than 100 ping, preferably as close to 20-30 as you can manage. I understand this can be hard in the States and similarly lareg countries however.
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