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Lt_Data1 is Offline
Posts: 32
Join Date: May 2002
Default 03-28-2003, 04:56 PM


Gewitter is one of my favorite maps in the expansion. It may be my favorite. I placed it as the first map on my server because it is so much fun. Unterseite and Vershcneit on the other hand are just nade and rocket whore frag fests. I like Bahnhof as well.

My main problem with this game is the laggy maps and the Portable MG-42. Any map with the PMG-42 being fired sends me to 5-10fps and makes the game completely unplayable. I only played obj maps with AA. Now I have to resign myself to TDM, which are ok, but not as entertaining as obj. I played AA since release on the 3/4 objective maps, depending on who had Omaha running or not and made it for almost a year just playing those few maps. I am already getting burned out on Spearhead.

I just started my own server, so that has made it a little more interesting, trying to get that running the way I want it. It is a shame that EA has made it so hard to mix map types and have them run properly. I tried the SH mix map mod here on AlliedAssault, but my server crashed three times while it was running, but hasn't crashed before or after I removed it. I looked at the code that was added in the pk3 file and see no reason for it crashing but it did. Also, on TOW, and OBJ maps, when the obj was completed or the other team dead on obj, everyone got kicked to spec mode. After the first kick to spec mode, the maps played fine with no more kicking to spec after the first round.

After all the complaints about SH, I found it more than amusing the EA was going to release another expansion pack...guess they figure some die hards will be willing to part with their money again....and lets not forget the whole new game, Pacific Assault, which of course means it will be full priced at around $50.

What I REALLY want to know is why the damn PMG42 causes so much f'ing lag.
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