I agree...and furthermore... -
03-28-2003, 06:09 PM
I agree with the general concensus that the leaners area bunch of unskilled fags, and it does give an advantage (fair or unfair is a matter of opinion) because it changes the hit area of the player model and I have heard (but not confirmed) that is makes the hit area smaller as well. I think that anyone who can play worth a shit shouldn't have to use lame ass "binds".
Another thing that is a very big annoyance to me is this realizm bullshit that is going around. In my opinion it's just another way for the unskilled out there to try to gain an advantage. Think about it..most realizm mods make the machine gun and the smg a quick kill in on or 2 hits. Doesn't that basically turn the machine gun and the smg into a rapid fire sniper rifle with no scope? The good part of mohaa is that there are strengths and weaknesses for each weapon, and if you can't learn to use that to your advantage, then you just suck in general. I learned to play mohaa by doing it at lan parties where you don't do gay shit like that or you'll get your ass whipped and then thrown out of the house, and I've gotten pretty damn good at playing real un-fagged-out mohaa. Try as they may, those who try to replace real skill with asshole tweaks are still at the bottom of the list when the map ends...and the ones with the skill are at the top. Differing opinions are welcome...just do it somewhere else...