Originally Posted by JowShmoe
soo many bad memories of airstrikes in return to castle wolfenstein. hake:
The problem with RTCW is that all you had to do was throw one of your powders and BOOM BOOM, you and your mates are dead. In VIETCONG you WILL hear the mortars dropping, so you at least no to take cover or run like hell.
Another thing is that you can only can in an airstrike once every two minutes, with only a one minute wait the first time you spawn. And its not as EASY as just tossing your powder where you want the bombs to drop, you have to bring up your map, and then point where you want the bombs to fly. On some maps, this is easy to tell where the enemy is, since LZ or CRASH SITE will be written on your map. On maps like BAHNAR (?), this is not so easy. This is one game where if you want to seriously become a master at it, you DEFINATELY need to know the layout of the maps. It also makes it much more difficult since there are quite a few "night" maps, and visibility SUCKS (which is the intention, not because the game sucks).
Not to mention the fact that you can set up fucking BOOBY TRAPS. I dont know HOW many times I've come close to tripping over one of those damn things. On a night time map, placed in foliage, you are fucked. Bottom line. So no, running like a maniac around the map is NOT a great idea.
The only problem I have, is that as a fighter, you dont really get a GOOD sniping rifle, just a rifle...and the other classes (except for the SAPPER/ENGINEER), dont get nades at all, which can come in REAL handy. Some of the animations are a lil hooky, and the nades flying still seem stiff. But overall I like the game. It just has so much more atmosphere than we've gotten in MOH which is still your average FPS-Shooter. At least with VIETCONG there are some real distinctive qualities to the classes.
Peoples BiGGEST problem will simply be that graphically it isnt a tour-de-force. That and the massive amounts of TK that go on.