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Pulp Fiction Mohaa Style PART TWO!!
Lucky Luciano is Offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Default Pulp Fiction Mohaa Style PART TWO!! - 03-30-2003, 07:35 PM

Here is the long awaited Pulp Fiction Part Two! Just remember that the originals are always hard to follow… hehehe…. A lot of people have asked how I put these together so I will describe with my first post. I record the video from the game with a free program called Fraps. It’s a good program but uses a boat load of hard drive space to record! At least 3-8 gig of space per movie I do. I have been using Windows Movie Maker to do the editing and compiling of the individual shots, I really hate the WMM program, so I went out and got Adobe Premier for my next ones. I do text, intro, and ending shots with Photoshop, and use Cool Edit 2 Pro for sound mixing. Then I add that special artistic touch to make them “luckyized” and then waaalllaa, I share them with my MOHAA community buddies. Hope you like them and continue to support them. Special thanks to Raisthlin on Pulp 2 for his great work on the custom map I needed, I just mentioned it and he created it beautifully. Thanks for all the emails and praise on my flix so far, I make them for you all, and you all keep me pumped to make more!!!! SOC Up Close and Personal Part Two is due out for release in a couple weeks. Thanks again and as always ENJOY!!!!

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