03-31-2003, 05:59 PM
At the bottom: Repeatidly press the use key as you near a ladder, you will grab on faster than holding the forward key.
At the bottom: Run up to ladder but jump be for you get there, press use in mid jump, you just skimmed a half second off of your climb time.
top of the ladder: Jump off but face the ladder, when you are close to the ground, press the use key, then jump off, if you are close enough to the ground the fall will not hurt you.
3 things that us "hardcore"(if you will) players know and you think it is cheating...you must be extremely new to the Medal of Honor: Allied assault community. Have you ever been called a n oOo: b?
Ozzy:[quote:16e24]Why the hell would you hit the E key when climbing a ladder? Oh yeah to cheat. Tell them not to do it.[/quote:16e24] Where did you get that pressing the use key is a cheat, you must never open a door nor fire a MG42...Once again, have you ever been called a n00b?
No one in {BHC} cheats so drop that right now.