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Default 04-01-2003, 05:47 AM

Originally Posted by Tiwaz
Originally Posted by Ydiss
The doors will, as per my 'trademark', remain open once opened, of course biggrin:
I noticed when I first played on CorssfireCourtyard. At first I thought it was a bug or something. But it seems logical. I have always found those self-closing doors strange...and annoying when you want to pass through at the moment it closes.
It's an option in the func_rotatingdoor entity. I'm amazed it's not been used more before, self-closing doors are a pain and unrealistic. The way I see it is if you want a door closed you should close it yourself biggrin:

Originally Posted by Ed
I think that CERTAIN windows should be traversable if the pane is blown out. Leave that in the hands of the man making the map to decide which ones.
It's as easy as a click to change this feature, so I'll review it once the map is finished. For now, I'll make all windows blocked.

Originally Posted by Ed
As far as the outline...Personally I think this should be a wartorn map like some folks are stools turned over, windows ALREADY blown out, tables overturned for effect AND cover.
I'm just having too much fun with the new architecture, right now. Crossfire wasn't too diverse externally (essentially, all I did was build the insides and box them in neatly, it's not even symetrical, not that you'd notice playing). It's quite a square structure, so the French village style is new to me, and a bit of a challenge.

I'll make this one fully intact because I want it to look lush, but looking at the votes on this thread I see the "Open outdoors" option is a close second. As soon as I've finished this map I'll start work on a third map with open fields, farmland, trenches and destroyed village areas.

Originally Posted by Ed
Think the thread should be renamed like...

"Making of the Map...Behind the Scenes: YDISS!"
I'd love to, if only I had an edit button biggrin:

Any mods care to lend a hand?
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