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Default 04-01-2003, 11:28 AM

I really don't understand why it should matter why he wants it changed,it's his server,the reason he wants it changed is his own,he asked a simple question,instead of bringing up cheat issues just give him an answer.
anyway,do this and it will change it.go to MaMMapfix.cfg on your server,FTP the cfg to your desktop change the following lines like you see them here:

append mam_register_mod "global/MAM_mapfix.scr"

//mapfix 1 or 0
//mapfix turns on the special MAM_Mapfix options, this stops players on all the default and obj maps from
//using the USE key at all ladders, to get up a ladder otherwise you have to walk up to it, look up
//and press forward, also makes it so people cannot change teams while at a MG42 (this is a cheat)
//it also stops them from using the grenade prime trick at the MG 42 so that people cant crouch
//fire at MG42

seta mapfix "0"

then close and upload back to your server and restart.

Hope this helps.
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