OK, here's my point of view:
First off, let me say that no ones perfect, including myself or any other mod. Just because we have privs over regular members here, it dosen't make us more knowledgeable as to what stays and what goes. So even we, including myself, make mistakes.
Now, as far as spamming goes on these forums, Solidus knows that some of his posts in the past have irritated me, as I saw no potential value of a conversation in them. That, is my personal opinion. But as of late, I really don't bother with him anymore, frankily, because the threads aren't meaningless as they used to be; a fine example would be this one.
Simply put, I'll give you some examples of what I (ME, no one else) consider spam:
http://www.alliedassault.com/phpBB2/vie ... p?t=142486
http://www.alliedassault.com/phpBB2/vie ... p?t=142529
To be honest, I don't mean to put anyone here down, but I think the problem mainly generates from the fact that we have too many immature or younger people here, and they just neglect to keep to a civil point of view. Even with the Offtopic, there's a line that you just shouldn't cross, as there are still young people here that these posts are driving away from this website, and the game.
IMO, you guys should all just browse the
http://www.allaboutnothing.net forums for a few pages, and just take a look at some of the posts there. I don't mean to criticize, but there's times I'd rather not be here to read what people have to say, and just rather chill there with some good, trusting gamers of mine. Read some of the posts, and take it into consideration.