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Savior(HJ) is Offline
Posts: 65
Join Date: Mar 2003
Default GOD IM A GENUIS - 04-02-2003, 01:36 AM

I have figured out the damage..... So ill whip up the damage shizz and u can someone else work on making all the nades into that mustard shade!


Howabout we make a whole new thing as a add on mod? we could do it! well use all the graphics and animations from the amokes ill add howmany (for now on named" "MUSTARD" nades u get tpo every weapon and then we will be pimpin get a server n gas some biatches!


Sorry for a guess the spammin g but heres just a recap of my new idea:

Construct all the files to add the new "MUSTARD" to the game

Use the russian shade of smoke as its only shade

Give it x damage (ill do it)

Add a set number of how many u get on what package (like maybe MG u get 1?)

Thats what i think we need to do.... Also howabout a mortar for it to just completely gas the hell outta places? I will also get started on some type of protection code when Im done lacing together the damage....Soon I will be to coding as guaranee is to skinning muahahahahhahahahah
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